Soybeans and Corn: These commodities hauled in will have 15 days from the time of unload to be sold or put on the DP Program. No DP charges will be applied if sold within the allowed 15 days. This will be on a per ticket basis-no averaging of days and each ticket stand alone. Any commodities not priced at the end of the 15 day period will be placed on a Delayed Price Contract.
All Wheat: All wheat delivered will have 15 days from the time of unload to be sold or put on a DP Program. There will be no DP charges applied if sold prior to the 15 days. This will be a per ticket basis-no averaging of days and each ticket will stand alone.
REMINDER: Since the title of grain passes to the elevator upon application to a DP contract; LDP's cannot be taken at a later date if they become available. |
** The DP Programs are subject to elevator space and may be discontinued at any time.
As per JVG policy, DP contracts can NOT apply to future delivery contracts.
New Crop Charges 2026 crop will assess HTA fees. $.08/bu for wheat, $0.10/bu for soybeans and $0.05/bu for corn. |
The information on this website is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. In no event shall JVG be liable to any person for any special, indirect or consequential damages relating to this material. |